Rev. David McArthur (edited
by Mike McGuire, not reviewed by the speaker)
Our journey of consciousness. Aladdin
lived in poverty and always felt he had to take from others. As we
do at this level, he felt like a victim. At this “miserable
sinner” level we are asleep to divine love. Then when adversity
shows up we feel it proves we are of no value. Through adversity,
though, Aladdin is brought to caves filled with treasure (the
subconscious) where he finds many many beautiful things. When you
overcome adversity, you feel power. This changed Aladdin's
consciousness. Feeling that he now had some power, some value, he
didn't need to steal. And he could love. Goodness showed up out of
the bad. At this level we are still asleep, but how we think of
ourselves has changed. We feel we can
get a little good from life, from the adversity, from the bad.
Spiritual awakening. You are not miserable sinners. Then
Aladdin sees the princess and falls in love. The head experiences
the heart. Aladdin now has purpose. He
feels he has value. He now sees that power is for serving the
purpose, to serve wholeness. The genie (which fulfills the power of
the heart) creates for Aladdin and the princess their own palace away
from the Sultan, who is the Father figure. (They woke up; they now
know they are children of God.) At this level, you know you are fine
and wonderful just the way you are. The world loves you.
There is only good and more good.Then
the princess and the palace were taken by the sorcerer and Aladdin
knew “it had been too good to be true”. This is believing in 2
powers, good and bad. As long as you believe it, it'll show up. But Aladdin went back to the heart.
The resolution was not through the thoughts (Aladdin) but through the
heart (the princess). She denied life to the 2nd
power (the sorcerer); she killed him. Love overcomes fear. That's
the gift.
The truth. The
One Power dwells within man and all other beings and throughout the
universe. One. In the heart, which knows the truth, there is no
fear. No tension. No nervousness. You are at one with every other
living person on Earth. No separateness. You have touched this
oneness—with babies, with good friends, or in the silence. Nothing
else is real. We can manifest and play with a 2nd
power, but it is not the truth. God is good all the time! There is
only one presence, one power—the all loving goodness of God! And
that's the truth!