Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Embracing Change

One of the great gifts of knowing that all is God, is that we do not need to fear change. Embracing change opens us to finding God’s gifts in what is taking place in our lives. It means we are attuning ourselves to a higher pattern that is unfolding. It does not mean that all change is easy or without pain. However, it does mean that we have Divine guidance through those changes to bring ease in difficulty and Divine healing to restore us to wholeness. Change involves the art of letting go, the activation of our faith, our attunement to guidance, and the awakening of our Spirit.

I invite you to look at the changes taking place in your life and embrace them, knowing that God is there, God is with you and God is loving you. Know that God is at the center of all change, and you are centered in God.

From my heart,

-- Rev. David McArthur

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