Sunday, November 29, 2009

Attitude of Gratitude

This is a warm part of the year, despite the approaching winter season. I'm referring instead to the Holiday Season, when we take the time to warm up to those near and far from us. It is so appropriate that it begins in earnest with Thanksgiving. How important it is to recognize our gifts and give thanks. 

Being grateful is more than an obligation or an opportunity to repay kindnesses, however. It is an opportunity to re-align ourselves with God's grace. Of course, God's love is always flowing to us and through us, but so many times we are oblivious, even hostile. An attitude of gratitude keeps us turned to the light, open to participate fully in the flow of love and life around and in us. Rather than miss it, we are then aware of the good that is coming to us.
“Today is the perfect day to appreciate the many blessings in my life. I pray a prayer of thanksgiving, expressing gratitude... I stop for a moment to give thanks... I am blessed beyond measure.” Daily Word — November 26, 2009
So stop for a moment. Notice your heart beat is like the beat of the sacred drum which gives thanks for all that we have, for all that we are. Your heart beats out “thank you, thank you, thank you...” 

Mike McGuire, Prayer Team
Summary of Rev. David's sermon

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