Rev. David McArthur (edited
by Mike McGuire, not reviewed by the speaker)
The divine presence within. In
a monastery in a beautiful valley, the monks were growing older. The
abbot was concerned about the monastery surviving. His friend the
rabbi couldn't think of any way to help, but told the abbot, “I
dreamt one of your monks was the messiah.” The abbot shared this
with the monks. Silently, each wondered which brother it might be,
or even if it might not be himself. So each one resolved to do
better. As if a special wind had blown through the monastery,
activity increased. The monks' efforts to serve others and the
surrounding community increased. Once again men from the community
became interested in joining the order.
a difference it makes when we see the beautiful divine presence in
each other and within ourselves!
The real source of abundance. Another
community saw how their old buildings no longer served them. After
seeking guidance they decided to renew their place. There had just
been enough money to meet existing needs, but different members
pledged to do more. Then in their country a great recession hit, and
fear gripped everyone. Some in the community lost their jobs, some
lost their houses. They again prayed. “Should we go forward?”
A curious answer came back that yes, they should go forward. They
knew the real source of their abundance. In the face of the fear,
they each committed to give from their resources. They built a
beautiful center for themselves and all who hear of it. And the
times got better for all. It had to start somewhere.
change came from how they began to see each other—how they saw the
divine in each other—and, what's even harder, seeing the divine
within themselves. It is easy to see who that was, as today we are
celebrating our second year in our new buildings. The commitment we
made was to honor the divine love that we are. Say to each other, “I
commit to honor the love you are.” “I commit to being Divine
Love in action.”
Power. Wholeness. Wisdom. Abundance. You
cannot choose
to be divine love—it is what you are! You cannot get away from it.
But you can commit to putting divine love into action.
That is what is the power! The wholeness! The wisdom! The
abundance! You