Rev. David McArthur (edited
by Mike McGuire, not reviewed by the speaker)
Symbols of Healing As
a spiritual being journeying through a human experience, we go
through the experience of healing. The dream of a young school girl
shows us the symbols of healing-- “Stepping out of the forest she
sees a beautiful stream with a sandy bottom, but no water is flowing.
Along the sides there are bowls of water, so water is present but
not flowing. Upstream there is a large rock outcropping, appearing
to block the flow. Down stream there are more large stones. She
asks, “Where is the water?” Water itself seems to answer her,
welling up over the rocks upstream and filling the stream before
Myrtle Fillmore heals herself of terminal TB The
young girl with the dream was Myrtle Fillmore. When a grown woman she developed
tuberculosis and was given less than 2 years to live. Interpreting
her childhood dream, she explained that the flow of water was the
flow of life inside her, and that the lack of flow was her experience
of the TB. She then healed herself over a period of two years by taking the time everyday to go
and be alone. She had a second empty chair there with her. She said
it represented the presence of Jesus Christ, which she referred to as
that consciousness of Jesus committed to the full awareness of the
Christ, master over the physical world. Thus she was thereby taking
complete responsibility for her physical well being.
the love she brings to her body in this process as she directed these
words to various parts of her body: (speak them aloud to bring in a
powerful healing vibration)
liver is full of vigor and energy.
stomach is not weak or inefficient, but energetic and strong.
abdomen is all a-thrill with the sweet, pure, wholesome energy of
eyes express the sight of Spirit, drawing upon an unlimited source.
They are young, clear, bright eyes shining the light of God right
through them.
my heart the pure love of Christ flows in and out by its beating.
life centers in my body are free unlimited Spirit, centers of life
and energy omnipresent.
do not let any worried or anxious thoughts into my mind.
Christ is with me and helps me to think and speak only kind, loving,
true words.
you are free unlimited Spirit. What fun it is to tell your body to
get well and get going!
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